Live Weather App
This was an exciting project for various reasons. It was the first proper venture into getting real-world data involved in one of my own projects via a JSON API. It was a a chance to make use of my JavaScript skills and AJAX call functionality as well as providing some freedom to experiment with the HTML5 Canvas tool. Try this link to my Live Weather App page. I'm also working on an Animated Live Weather App here...
JS Blackjack
Earlier in the course I implemented a basic OOP version of Blackjack in Python to be played through the command line interface. This project followed on from that. I needed to make use of similar logic as before such that the dealer followed a pre-defined set of rules for the game to proceed based on the human player's input. This served as a useful side project to get a bit more practice with JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas. Find the link to this JS-Blackjack page here!